Christopher D. Desloge+
Long-time corporate leader in performance improvement, disaster services and nonprofit excellence. Descendant of the Desloge lead mining family in Missouri, Mr. Desloge developed the model of merging the Fortune 500 profit and market share systems with investment banking to create equity lift not yet within reach of company ownership. Chris is chair of EGI Capital and chair of Madaket Growth (the Managing Member of holdingf companies), a holding company of high-margin service-based businesses in sectors of consulting, mergers and acquisitions, real estate, web-based services and other blue ocean opportunities. Chris was also an arbitration judge with the National Council of Consumer Arbitrators for service with Better Business Bureaus. Mr. Desloge also is founder and inventor of the technology (fintech, SaaS and Crypto) backbone of EGI Capital outcomes and impacts of private company EBITDA and valuation lift.
Chris's career includes profit growth consulting for billion-dollar service and manufacturing firms such as Pepsi, MasterCard, Coca-Cola and Enterprise Rent a Car with Maritz Motivation Company; and extensive large-transaction commercial real estate experience, owning and operating organizations & partnerships.
As a lay chaplain Franciscan (Society of St. Francis) Chris actively serves the community in forming and operating a spiritual retreat St Georges House - Hermitage in Bridgeport, Connecticut; and started the first Community of Hope International chapter in New England (offering spiritual discernment for identifying ministry, and formation; and match theological insights and spiritual practices with experiences of ministering to others and giving spiritual guidance). Chris also is the corporate chaplain for Madaket Growth-held companies.
Mr. Desloge's non-profit and faith-based leadership includes three decades of dedication to social needs in several areas. He served as the National Disaster Relief Coordinator for Hurricanes Katrina and Rita to over 10 cities in the Gulf Coast with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul; has been on the board of directors (or staff) of numerous social service organizations including the National Council of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, St. Louis Council Society of St. Paul, the American Red Cross - St. Louis Bi-State Chapter, the Center for Head Injury Services, the St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute, International Hildreth Meiere Association, The Laura X - Laura Rand Orthwein, Jr. - World Institute for the Legacy and Learning of Social Justice Movements, Desloge Foundation, and Foundation for Commercial Philanthropy. Mr. Desloge has been a frequent volunteer with Habitat For Humanity, homeless shelters New Life Evangelistic Center & Gateway 180 (in St. Louis); including mission trip to northern Haiti (Milot), where he toured the Order of Malta's Hopital Sacre Coeur, Missionaries of the Poor orphanage (Cap-Haitien), and several children’s schools where he familiarized himself with deep poverty, need and NGO activities. He has received multiple awards and plaques and continues to dedicate his, and his company's time and resources to philanthropy. Mr. Desloge is founder Caring Way, Inc. a lay chaplain ministry and non-profit which owns businesses which profits then serve those in deep poverty including feeding, housing and pastoral care. Mr. Desloge was a national senior advisor to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for the professional development of chaplaincy in disaster first response.